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Fortnite Stats Checker by

Track your player stats and leaderboards with our Fortnite tracker. Some of us really like to know where we stand among the people who play the same game as we do. It has always been a favorite pastime of humans to indulge in activities which show them how well they are as compared to others. Whether it is through grades, luxury items or the ranking on your favorite game, the desire to gauge how high you rank as compared to others remains quite popular.

Fortnite keeps track of various stats on PC, Xbox One and PS4. There are many ways to know your player statistics for kills, number of wins and number of matches as well as those of players around the globe. If you want to know your global ranking or compare your stats with fellow players, you can use our tracking platform to do so. The Fortnite stats tracker and leaderboards checker give you an accurate image of how well you’re playing and how you stack up against other players on PS4, Xbox and PC.


Different tracker options.


Active users.


New top players.

Track All In-Game Statistics

Our first priority is Fortnite Statistics – Tracking all wins, deaths and tops! We also let you track your Fortnite skill level. Our Fortnite stats tracker not only show your stats but also display regional and global leaderboards. With a tracker, you can know who the best player in Fortnite is. You also get to see the leaderboards for wins, kills, the accuracy of your shots, damage and any other stat related to the game.

Find details on any Fortnite Battle Royale Player for Xbox, PSN & PC

Isn’t it great to know what scores other Fortnite players are managing to get out of this game and where you stand among the whole lot of players worldwide? These sites show the stats for every player on the leaderboard.

You get to see the profile of each player on Fortnite. They also provide a breakdown of the stats of maps and weapons. Not only that, but you also get the latest news about your favorite game. These sites will keep you informed at all times.

Fortnite stats are the most comprehensive statistics out there. In addition to tracking your life stats, we have Season Stats, as well as your best tracks, your highest mortality and Fortnite statistics trends over months or even years!

checking stats in Fortnite Battle Royale

How our Fortnite Tracker Works

The Fortnite leaderboard tracker helps you track your wins as well as kills. Leaderboards display the statistics of almost all Fortnite players. They show the ranking of the player as well as their username and the number of games they have won.

You can always add more filters to the leaderboard to see how many times a player was placed in the top 10 or how many times they managed to be in the top 25. You can also filter based on the type of match played such as solo, duo and squad matches. Solo matches are the most popular and, thus, the hardest to rank high on. If you are looking for a challenge, play solo matches on Fortnite and try to get in the top 10.

Our Fortnite tracker will also display the period of time after which the leaderboard will be reset. This means that the positions displayed this week will not be the same next week. If you want to remain on the leaderboard, you will have to play regularly and maintain your stats. These resets might occur each Wednesday or after every 2 weeks.

Leaderboards show stats for the top placings for only a single platform and is not a consolidated board for all platforms. Hence, you might be in some leaderboards but not others. The two different types of leaderboards are:

  • Division leaderboard
  • Friends leaderboard

Wins Leaderboard

Fortnite wins leaderboards are pretty difficult to understand. The game has three different types of matches, and all three make players eligible for the leaderboard. They are also divided into global wins, top 25 and top 10.

If you open up the global ranking section, you will probably find that the top player has around 600 wins, whereas if you look at the top 10 rankings, you will see that the player topping the chart barely made twenty-five wins.

That’s where it gets a bit confusing. I will break it down to make it easier for you to understand how the leaderboards work. The global pool contains all the people who played the game during the entire week.

Top 10 Players

On the other hand, the top 10 and 25 rankings are a random pool of people with whom you are put together during the beginning of each week. This pool has around 50 people at the start of each week, and the leaderboard shows the winning statistics of only the chosen 50 members you are grouped with. These two leaderboards for the top 25 and top 10 are reset every three days.

Three inner leaderboards

It is quite interesting why there are three leaderboards for Fortnite rather than just one. Even if you play flawlessly during the week and win each game, you will most likely not end up at the top of the global rankings as it is almost impossible to get six hundred or so wins in a week. Hence, the other leaderboards have a small pool of people and are ranked accordingly.

This gives an incentive to players to look forward to getting on the leaderboard without devoting their lives to the game as the global wins leaderboard only looks like an uphill task. You can try to get at the top of the top 25 or top 10 rankings and are likely to succeed. Since you will be competing with 50 random people who will keep changing, the scores on the leaderboard will keep changing as well.

It increases competition among players. Also, it challenges players and keeps them motivated. You get a chance to show up on the leaderboard and that motivates you to aim for a better score.

Kills Leaderboard

Just like the wins leaderboard, the Fortnite kills leaderboard gives you a picture of where you stand among a pool of 50 random people. Your group will change every couple of days, so there is a chance you can easily get to the top if you are placed with weaker players. That is the main idea behind dividing leaderboards into various sections.

Players get to set a goal for themselves as they compete against the other people in the pool. This leaderboard lets you know the total number of kills you made in the game and whether your performance is better than others.